The Tattoo Factory - Elementor Pro Tattoo Studio Kit

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Created: Nov 26, 2020

Updated: Nov 26, 2020

ID: 126444

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如果你已经有了自己的纹身沙龙,或者你只是打算开它, 您只需要创建自己的成熟和创造性的网站. The tattoo studio templates mockup is just for this.

一个时尚和创意的纹身工作室模板主题将让你很容易地展示你的沙龙和你的主人的作品. 迄今为止,几乎所有的服务客户都是通过互联网找到的,纹身在其中也不例外.

The template is your full-fledged work site, where the company description, portfolio, your price, feedback, 并且联系人被定位-这是生产工作和推广所必需的.

现在吸引顾客变得更容易,也更实惠. 创建一个简单易懂的网站-模板界面允许您完全管理所有销售工具.

模板的主题是一个黑暗的极简主义设计-你一定会在竞争对手中脱颖而出. High-quality detailed photos of the work, a completed portfolio, 一个回叫按钮会让你更接近你的客户,并有助于提高销售转化率.

Tattoo studio templates - responsive design for your salon

纹身工作室模板模型有许多有用的功能,是多功能的. Regardless of the type of your business: tattoo salon, piercing master, 美容美发,你会发现这里的一切必要,以促进您的业务.

The template structure includes the following pages:

  • home page;
  • who are we;
  • masters;
  • single master;
  • portfolio;
  • prices;
  • location.

所有页面都可以根据需要进行扩展——如果你有大量的master,并且需要发布关于每个master的信息,这是非常方便的. It is also convenient for beauty salons, where there are several directions at once: makeup, manicure, piercing, 美发师-您将创建一个页面,每个大师没有问题,你将能够促进你需要什么,现在.

所有页面都可以根据需要进行扩展——如果你有大量的master,并且需要发布关于每个master的信息,这是非常方便的. It is also convenient for beauty salons, where there are several directions at once: makeup, manicure, piercing, 美发师-您将创建一个页面,每个大师没有问题,你将能够促进你需要什么,现在.

In any case, you get a high-quality multi-page site, and you can easily adapt it to the needs of your customers.

The theme is equipped with the ability to quickly communicate, record for the service, 在这里,你也可以订阅你的新闻或促销的时事通讯-许多营销工具在你的服务. 该网站是根据最著名的标准设计的, which makes it easy, easy to manage, powerful, and reliable.

The home page allows you to place any number of banners, the latest or most popular works, a counter of customers, services performed, and so on. 在这里您还可以想象您最著名的工匠,并留下预订窗口.

Page who we are - allows you to get to know your business. 谈谈你自己,谈谈沙龙的创始人,谈谈你的价值观. 分享你在工作和客户中看重的东西——这样的内容会拉近你与客户的距离.

A separate page is dedicated to masters. 如果你有几个方向,你可以一次全部介绍. 如果您想推广您的服务和大师培训,您可以在这里列出您的服务清单, 在另一页——你的作品集和成就.

每个硕士都可以在单独的页面上选择,以描述他的资格, opportunities, recent work. 当然,作品集页面允许您放置大师最受欢迎的作品.

Of course, it is not necessary to place prices. 但是你越详细地告诉你的客户你的服务和他们的成本, the more there will be a flow of visitors on your site. If your prices are always different depending on the service, 您可以简单地指定服务的最小和最大成本.

在你的联系人页面,我们总是建议张贴地图,你的位置尽可能多. Be sure to enter your phone number, 把信使或社交网络链接到你的网站,这样他们就更容易找到你, the more convenient it is for your customers.

As you can see, the neat design holds many possibilities, making the site functional and convenient for everyone.


Do you have any special knowledge to set up the site? We envisioned it. Now you can download and install the site without assistance. And if you suddenly have questions, 我们的支持服务随时与您保持联系,并随时准备为您提供帮助.

一个简单的主题可以完美地显示在任何设备上,并且不会失去它的功能. 模板是完全自适应的,因为它对今天的质量提升非常重要.

The topic is already SEO-optimized. 它可以绑定到社交网络,甚至允许你发布视频. 摇摆和创建您的网站现在-这是非常简单和有利可图的!

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